
Three faculties, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Humanities, of the University of Debrecen were represented at a conference called CogInfoCom (Cognitive infocommunications) at Chuo University, Japan, which was attended by academics from universities located on several continents. This event primarily focused on the potential of merging human and digital environments, artificial intelligence, info-communication and cognitive skills.

The faculty and students of the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Engineering recently visited CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory. Members of the delegation were not only introduced to the latest results in physics, but also discussed long-term research cooperation between the faculty and the organisation running the facility.

From September, space professionals will be trained in English at the University of Debrecen. Prospective students will be able to learn about space medicine, space telemedicine, and space pharmacy and space nutrition, among other things, as part of the UniSpace programmed. The postgraduate specialization will start in September and applications are open until 12 August.